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How Your B2B Ecommerce Website Can Compete with Amazon

In 2017 Amazon’s global net revenue hit 178 billion US dollars. But don’t let that put you off. Its dominance of ecommerce has seen competitors over-use the David v Goliath comparison. They have been so wrapped up in Amazon’s success they have overlooked how they can build their own. The recent demise of Tesco Direct is a great example.

The closure of the online platform came as no surprise to industry insiders. But it did offer a few valuable insights. Tesco Direct’s mistakes show B2B ecommerce businesses how it is possible to compete with Amazon. Want to know why?

Tesco Direct was the the loss-making, non-grocery division of the supermarket chain. It failed for a number of reasons. The biggest was that it could not compete with Amazon. The reason? Because it wasn’t unique. It tried to take on Amazon with the same, tired formula others have tried in the past. It didn’t offer consumers anything new. And its prices and shipping weren’t much to write home about either.

Competing against a global ecommerce giant like Amazon is not easy. But businesses everywhere are finding ways to increase their market share. Digital revenue is growing year on year. Mobile commerce alone increased by 59 per cent in 2017. If you want to grow your B2B ecommerce business, these tips will help.  

Be unique

Unique selling points, products and website design matter. What does your business sell or do better than Amazon? Aim to corner a niche market with online catalogues that offer consumers products they can’t find elsewhere. Strengthen your market position by tapping into emerging markets and don’t be afraid to include a B2C offering.

Deliver a great user experience

Make your website super-easy to navigate. Ensure signing up and logging in is effortless. Integrate your B2B platform with existing systems and third parties. Use automation to update stock availability and link with distributors and content providers. This will make your business more efficient and increase profit margins. Providing your customers with a seamless user experience reduces cart abandonments and helps you sell more.

Reward your customers

To benefit from rewards on Amazon customers have to pay for the privilege. Amazon Prime Day Deals are only available to Prime members, for example. Make sure your B2B ecommerce website can reward customers with targeted incentives. Consider a loyalty scheme, discounts and free shipping. The right technology will automate these valuable processes for you, saving you time while increasing sales.

Encourage product reviews

A good product review will tempt more people to buy. Consumers use reviews to research products and to get a better feel for them. Share great reviews on your social media platforms. Consumers like to follow the crowd. Worried about getting bad reviews? Did you know negative feedback is as valuable as good feedback? It helps you identify weak points and improve your business.

Use mobile commerce

Mobile commerce will put your B2B business in front of more customers. It will help you sell more. This is a huge growth area and your business needs to be part of it.

Need some help? Talk to Comgem. We are the UK’s leading innovators of B2B ecommerce solutions. 

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