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3 Must-Have B2B Ecommerce Tools for Data Tracking

If you are developing a strategy for growth, you need B2B ecommerce tools that help you stay ahead of the curve with spot on data tracking. Getting the right insights at the right time will ensure your pricing, marketing and customer journey meets expectations of both existing and prospective buyers. In this feature, we look at the top 3 must-have tools for businesses serious about growing B2B sales.

For insider tips, we asked Dani Attard, co-founder of ecommerce platform developer Comgem, to explain more. Before she outlined her recommendations, she pointed out: “Online B2B sales are at an all-time high and the potential for ongoing growth is huge. Sectors, including manufacturing and distribution, that have traditionally relied on face-to-face or telesales are now accepting orders via websites and saving money while increasing sales. But to remain competitive, they will need to do more to ensure ecommerce-savvy competitors don’t steal their business.

Real time data for B2B ecommerce

Dani says real time data is leading the way when it comes to stock availability, pricing and the customer experience. “B2B ecommerce benefits from real time data because it doesn’t just keep the customer informed about product availability, it makes a business more streamlined,” she explained. “To benefit from up-to-the-minute data, websites need to be integrated with suppliers and / or distributors. Alternatively, they can be integrated with stock systems. To achieve this, the B2B business should invest in an ecommerce platform that can easily integrate with both new and legacy software.”

The B2B ecommerce marketing suite

While many B2B ecommerce platforms offer some level of support for marketing, very few provide the features offered by Gemsuite. It is an award-winning ecommerce platform designed by Comgem for the B2B sector. Dani was one of the team responsible for its development. She said, businesses should take note of what it offers so they can compare its benefits against those offered by their current platform provider. “As well as offering automated email marketing, customer segmentation and personalised themes, Gemsuite ensure businesses can track the success of campaigns and identify opportunities as well as trends.”

Ecommerce reporting tools for precision data tracking

If you take data tracking seriously, choose an ecommerce platform will role-based dashboards and advanced reporting tools. Dani says: “Go for one that not only lets you easily see website sales but helps you confidently track profitability. Ensure your reporting tools can really drill down data and lets you create custom reports. Not only that, use a platform that lets you schedule and export reports - so you can really see the full picture.